Pine River Boat Club
General Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2004
At the Lurgan Beach Clubhouse of the Pine River Boat Club
Attendance: 14 members
1) Call to order: 10:37 am
2) Commodore’s Remarks: The Commodore welcomed the members present. He noted the
small turnout.
3) Minutes of the Previous Meeting & Directors
The minutes of the Spring meeting were read. The minutes of the August Directors
meeting were read for information.
G04-005 BIRT the minutes of the May 23, 2004 meeting be approved
Moved Gordon Cale Seconded Renzo Marcone Carried
4) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer read a report of the expenditures since the
previous meeting. The financial balance as of September 5, 2004 was ....
G04-006 BIRT the Treasurer’s report be approved.
Moved Liliane Nolan Seconded Dave Hyman Carried
Dave Hyman noted that the final report of the parties had not yet been made to
the Treasurer.
5) Officer’s Reports
a) Secretary
The Secretary described the process for members earning shares. The names of
members who had earned shares were read out. Some members volunteered to deliver
some of the shares. The balance of the shares will be mailed.
The Secretary reported on the proposed changes to the process of renewing
memberships. It will be expected that an application form will be returned with
b) Vice Commodore
Paul handed out copies of the Mission Statement that had been approved by the
Directors. Paul explained that he hoped to improve the communication.
c) Rear Commodore
d) Fleet Captain
Dave thanked the members who had helped with the parties. A financial summary
will be provided by the end of the month.
e) Harbour Masters
The Harbour Masters felt that most of the issues had been reported by the
Secretary reading the Directors’ Minutes.
The Web Site will change its’ address by the end of the year.
New Member Kit
Janet Cress asked the Directors to reestablish the “new member kit” and ensure
that the Treasurer and Harbour Masters had a supply o give to new members when
they joined.
Date for Dues to be “on time”
The Treasurer indicated that it would help the Harbour Masters if the on time
date for the payment of fees was earlier as some members want to have their dock
in before Victoria Day.
G04-007 BIRT the fees be due “on time” by March 31 annually.
Moved Liliane Nolan Seconded Paul Proudfoot Carried
6) Elections
The Secretary read a list of the current members of the Board who indicated
their desire to remain on the Board.
Gordon Cale, Richard Heath, Dave Hyman, Renzo Marcone, Liliane Nolan, Peter
Palubiski, Paul Proudfoot,
The Secretary then read a list of three names of members who had indicated a
desire to be considered for the Board of Directors.
Barry Cress, Tim Johnson, Dan Sevcik,
The Secretary then asked if there were any other nominations. As there were no
further nominations the following motion was put.
G04-008 BIRT the following members be elected to the Board from September 2004
to Sept 2005: Gordon Cale, Barry Cress, Richard Heath, Dave Hyman, Tim Johnson,
Renzo Marcone, Liliane Nolan, Peter Palubiski, Paul Proudfoot, Dan Sevcik,
Moved Gordon Cale Seconded Liliane Nolan Carried
The Directors indicated that they felt that the process of including two members
at meetings as nonvoting Directors-at-large had worked well in the previous two
G04-009 BIRT Neil Cockwell and John Wood be approved to sit as non voting
directors at large for the term of September 2004 to September 2005.
Moved Paul Proudfoot Seconded Renzo Marcone Carried
7) Action Items
a) Fees. The Directors had recommended a change in fees for the 2005 season.
G04-010 BIRT the fees for 2005 be $150, the late fee being $200, with an
initiation fee of $200.
Moved Gordon Cale Seconded Tim Johnson Carried
b) Steel Boat
The need for a steel boat that can be used by the club for maintenance of the
range markers and by members for installing docks was raised. Discussion
G04-011 BIRT the club purchase a steel boat, about 18 feet in length for up to
twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500).
Moved John Nolan Seconded Dan Sevcik Carried
c) South Side Power
The reason for a replacement of the South Side power was discussed.
d) Table Replacements
It was expressed that there was a need to replace some of the older tables.
After discussion the following motions were moved.
G04-012 BIRT the club purchase 6 plastic tables to replace club serving tables
for up to $300 and two additional picnic tables similar to the ones we have for
up to $800.
Moved Barry Cress Seconded Dan Sevcik Carried
e) Use of the Club by Non Members
Paul Proudfoot raised concerns about the use of the club by non members this
past year. Discussion clarified the process.
8) Adjournment
G04-013 BIRT the meeting adjourn.
Moved Paul Proudfoot Seconded Renzo Marcone Carried
The meeting adjourned at 11:56 am
Gordon Cale
Secretary |