Pine River Boat
Directors’ Minutes
Sunday May 2/04 @ 9 am
Commodore Richard Heath, Vice Commodore Paul Proudfoot, Rear Commodore Renzo
Marcone, Fleet Captain Dave Hyman, Gordon Cale, Past Commodore Tom Cale,
Director Peter Palubiski, Directors @ Large, Dan Sevcik, Tim Johnson
Regrets, Treasurer Liliane Nolan
At the Lurgan Beach Clubhouse of the Pine River Boat Club
1) Meeting called to order at 9:10
2) The Commodore welcomed the directors
3) After a review of the Agenda it was approved
4) The Minutes of the General Meeting and Directors’ Meeting of August 31, 2003
were read.
D04-001 BIRT the minutes of the August 31, 2003 Directors meeting be approved.
Moved Gord Cale Seconded Renzo Marcone - Carried
Business arising
a) Floating Docks: A discussion of concerns with floating docks followed. The
issue is that if not built properly to handle the seishe floating docks often
become unmoored, turn over and potentially damage boats. Dan Sevcik indicated
that he had found no rules in the bylaws to prevent floating docks. It was noted
that permission had been granted for an experiment with a pontoon floating dock.
A motion was made and withdrawn dealing with action on floating docks. The
Commodore directed the Harbour Masters to fulfill their duties and act to see
that floating docks do not create a hazard.
b) Winter Dock Storage: The discussion of floating Docks led to a concern about
docks left scattered on the property or nearby. Reminders will be made by the
Harbour masters that docks must be assembled for the winter as provided for on
the North Side and on the cement pad on the South side if they are not removed
from the property. Abandoned docks will be cut up.
c) Clean up of the River Mouth: The discussion of abandoned docks led to a
concern about the number of fallen trees that have become stuck in the river
mouth. Paul Palubiski described the actions he had taken to date. Paul was asked
to contact Hugh Nicol of Huron-Kinloss Township about cleanup. June 27 is clean
up day for Huron-Kinloss and it was proposed that we cooperate.
D04-002 BIRT Peter Palubiski be given approval to rent a chainsaw for river
Moved Paul Proudfoot, Seconded Renzo Marcone, Carried
d) Boat Member stickers: It was noted that in the minutes of the General Meeting
of August 31, 2003 that no one was given the responsibility for obtaining the
stickers. The Secretary, as one of the movers of the original motion took
responsibility. These should be available for the May General Meeting.
e) Fish Station. The survey has not yet taken place. Dave Hymen read a five
question survey that included two questions on a fish station. It was decided
that a final draft should be given to the secretary to be included in the Spring
2005 newsletter.
f) South Side power: A proposal is available but the brightness to the lights
was unknown. One hundred watt floods were found in the washroom.
5) Communication: none
6) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer was absent and her report was not attached.
The Directors should receive the report by e mail before the May meeting.
7) Officer’s Reports:
a) Vice Commodore
The lawn hose has been obtained as requested.
Paul read an explanation for a mission statement for the club and provided a
sample he had created as an example for the executive. The Directors were
requested to give the issue some thought and reply with their suggestions by e
mail to Paul.
c) Rear Commodore
The septic tank is fixed. Rick Elliott was contracted to make the repairs. A
pipe was replaced and there were roots in the tank.
It was reported that the river depth appears to be in good shape running from 8
to 3 feet. The channel is narrow and appears to be about 3 feet over solid
ground at the last set of channel markers.
Renzo thought that there should be some pre-emptive dredging at the mouth.
Permission had been given to the Rear Commodore to arrange in the Fall a day’s
dredging in the Spring. Rick Elliott has indicated he does not have the
equipment to go into the water. A Permit will need to be obtained as our permit
has expired. The most recent permit #73999-03 permitted a dredge from May 1 to
May 31 and from July 31 to August 15. The Secretary was requested to contact the
MNR at Owen Sound. Gord Cottrill was the previous person.
D01-003 BIRT the secretary be directed to arrange for a dredging permit.
Moved Gord Cale, Seconded Paul Proudfoot, Carried.
A discussion of whether there was a need to use a pump to move sludge from the
river mouth. Renzo indicated that arrangements were possible but there was no
need last year. It was noted that before we did that we will check with the MNR
about environmental issues.
The taller channel markers seemed to work well last year. One has broken. More
are needed.
D01-004 BIRT John Nolan be requested to provide 4 or more additional channel
markers of the type he previously provided.
Moved Dave Hymen, Seconded Renzo Marconi, Carried
Renzo reported that a new 35 foot aluminium flag pole for the south side would
cost $1400 to $2000. No action
d) Fleet Captain
Dave spoke about plans that were in the works for the Civic Holiday weekend.
Initial arrangements for a kite “Windfest” have become impossible for this year.
There are plans for Rock Painting for kids and a poker run for Personal
Watercraft to Kincardine. More information later.
Dave reviewed information on the e-coli count in the lake and asked that Herb
Millard be authorized to participate on our behalf on a Township environment
committee. It was felt by the Directors that he already had that authority.
e) Harbour Masters
Most issues dealing with the Harbour Masters had already been covered. Nothing
new will be available to report until after May 17.
A discussion of an issue concerning docks that had been left in an inappropriate
place. The Commodore directed that in any cases of issues with docks the Harbour
Masters are the first contact. Further, he again noted that the only place docks
could be left on the south side was on the cement pad.
f) Webmaster- Progress
g) Secretary
The confusion with the newsletter this year was explained. Some dates will need
correction. Problems arose with the current address. Many e mails bounced and
several letters were returned. Members who are due shares from last year will
find them available at the Spring General Meeting.
8) New Business
Dave reminded the Directors that a supply of reflective tape was available.
It was suggested that the club should get a post pounded. Dan indicated that he
had one that could be kept in the clubhouse.
9) Adjournment 11:15
Moved Renzo Marconi, Seconded Gord Cale, Carried