Pine River Boat Club 20040829 Director

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20040502 Director 20040523 General 20040829 Director 20040905 General

Pine River Boat Club
Director Meeting Minutes
Sunday August 29, 2004
10:30 am
At the Lurgan Beach Clubhouse of the Pine River Boat Club

Commodore Richard Heath, Vice Commodore Paul Proudfoot, Rear Commodore Renzo Marcone, Fleet Captain Dave Hyman, Secretary Gordon Cale, Peter Palubiski, Dan Sevcik, Tim Johnson, Barry Cress
Regrets Liliane Nolan

Absent Tom Cale, Brad Matheson, Clare Newell

1) Meeting called to order at 10:30 am

2) Commodore’s Remarks: welcome.

3) Approval of the Agenda
D04-005 BIRT the Agenda be approved as amended
Moved Gordon Cale, Seconded Dave Hyman - CARRIED

4) Minutes of the Previous Meeting

D04-006 BIRT the minutes of the May 2, 2004 Directors meeting be approved.
Moved Gord Cale, Seconded Peter Palubiski - CARRIED

The Secretary raised several issues for clarification. After discussion the Commodore directed that the Directors receive a complete updated list of members at the end of each season from the Secretary.

In response to a concern about key control, after some discussion the following motion was moved.

D04-007 BIRT the club replace the gate locks and keys annually on the Victoria Day weekend. The new keys to be issued in the Spring by the Treasurer after the payment of membership fees. The gates to be padlock controlled from May 1 to the Thanksgiving weekend each year.
Moved Renzo Marcone, Seconded Paul Proudfoot, CARRIED.

Peter Palubiski volunteered to assist the Treasurer with key distribution

The Secretary informed the Directors that share certificates earned in the past year would be distributed at the Fall General meeting.

5) Communication
The Commodore reported on a message he received of a member’s grievance with another member. The Harbour Masters reported that the issue had been addressed.

6) Treasurer’s Report:
The Treasurer had provided the Directors with an updated report by e-mail. The Directors reviewed the report.

D04-008 BIRT the Treasurer’s Report be approved as printed.
Moved Gord Cale, Seconded Peter Palubiski, CARRIED

Following a review of the financial report a discussion took place concerning the membership fee for 2005.

D04-009 BIRT the Directors recommend a fee of One Hundred Fifty dollars ($150) for 2005 membership. Initiation Fee to remain at Two Hundred dollars ($200).
Moved Peter Palubiski, Seconded Paul Proudfoot - CARRIED

D04-010 BIRT it is recommended that should the membership fee for 2005 be reduced to $150 then the late fee for 2005 is recommended to be $200.
Moved Peter Palubiski, Seconded Gord Cale, CARRIED

7) Officer’s Report:

a) Vice Commodore

Paul Proudfoot expressed a need for the club to have a better way to communicate roles to members. Gord Cale indicated that he was prepared to organize a rough version of an “operations manual” for review by the Board next Spring in order for the Board to see if it would be a useful addition.

An introductory example of a “Mission Statement: was presented.

D04-11 BIRT the Directors approve the following Mission Statement and review the statement annually.

The purpose of the PRBC is, as a cooperative, to provide an environment that allows for safe, convenient, and timely access to and from the Pine River and Lake Huron. The goal of the PRBC is to build community amongst its membership through values of participation, cooperation and mutual respect.
Moved Paul Proudfoot, Seconded Dave Hyman, CARRIED

c) Rear Commodore

Renzo Marcone expressed his thanks to Peter Palubiski and John Nolan for their assistance in the past two years maintaining the lights and property.

An estimate of $1819 for rewiring and improving the South Channel Lights from Pollack Electric was provided. Renzo Marcone noted the need for an upgrade to assure uninterrupted service. He indicated that he would be getting at least one more estimate. Discussion followed concerning options for power. Tim Johnson was asked to investigate solar power costs with a source he had and to coordinate with Renzo Marcone.

D04-012 BIRT the Rear Commodore be authorized to spend up to $2500.00 on rewiring the South Channel Markers in the Spring.
Moved Renzo Marcone, Seconded Dave Hyman, CARRIED

d) Fleet Captain

Dave Hyman reported on the Civic Holiday BBQ. A discussion followed on how the Directors could assist with the Corn Roast. There were 205 adults and children present at the BBQ. The event turned a small profit.

e) Harbour Masters

Dan Sevcik and Barry Cress raised a series of issues. They had been asked to resolve the issue of floating docks by talking to the members with docks that present a problem. The Harbour Masters felt they needed more direction and authority since that had not resolved the issue. A motion was drafted that would give the Harbour Masters the authority to have a dock removed if it did not conform to the guidelines, if the member was informed of the problem, and if the member did not act to correct the problem within two weeks. After some discussion it was consensus that the issue and possible action be brought to the attention of the Fall Annual meeting. Concerns exist as to how official the guidelines for docks are. The Secretary will review past motions.

The Harbour Masters reaffirmed their need to be able to identify which member owned what boat in the river. The secretary was asked to see to it that an application for membership renewal be included with the newsletter for members to annually provide the information we need for their membership along with their fee payment.

There is a problem with boats and trailers being left in the east parking lot. The members need to be reminded that boats and trailers are not to be left in the East parking lot or on the South side parking lots overnight.

The Commodore directed the Rear Commodore to investigate the cost of placing gravel to cover open space next to the west trailer parking lot.

The size of dock spaces given the current size of members boats was discussed.

D04-013 BIRT as of the 2005 boating season the spacing for docks be increased to 22 foot center to center of dock.
Moved Dave Hyman, Seconded Renzo Marcone, CARRIED

The length of docks and the proper distance from shore were other issues the Harbour Masters felt we needed to consider soon.

There is still a problem with some docks that appear to have been abandoned. The following motion was moved to give the Harbour Masters some authority to deal with the problem.

D03-014 BIRT a dock that is not in the water may remain on club property no longer than one year. After one year if still on the club grounds it will become club property.
Moved Dave Hyman, Seconded Renzo Marcone, CARRIED

f) Web Master
Barry Cress indicated that the club site would be moving to a new address.

8) Action Items not dealt with in reports

a) Patio Cover
A quote of $4800 has been received for a cover for the cement pad. The Directors were encouraged to visit an example of the kind of cover. The discussion was referred to the next Director’s meeting.

b) Dredging Permit
The Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority now has responsibility for the granting of dredging permits. They are only issued for a year at a time. We do not have a need this year. The SVCA will return our application fee and keep the file ready for next year. The Secretary was requested to find out from the SVCA when the application should be made.

c) Fall Elections
Paul Proudfoot lead a discussion to assist in assuring the offices would be filled. All members present indicated a willingness to serve. When asked, Tim Johnson agreed he would serve as Fleet Captain next year, Both Barry Cress and Dan Sevcik are prepared to be Directors. Paul Proudfoot asked about the appointment of non voting Directors at large. It was agreed he could discuss possibilities with members.

d) Fish Station
No action at this time

e) Signage
Dave Hyman raised the issue of better signage by the river to discourage some of the problems that arose this year regarding speed and the appropriate behavior at the docks. Renzo Marcone and Dave Hyman will review the sign age needs and report back.

D04-015 BIRT the Rear Commodore arrange for a metal flag pole to replace the South Side flag pole prior to May 24, 2005, for a sum not to exceed $2000.
Moved Paul Proudfoot, Seconded Dave Hyman, CARRIED

f) Loaning Club Property.
This is an issue that should be covered by a policy but does not appear to be. A request was made to borrow several tables and the coffee maker by a member. The request will not interfere with any scheduled club events. A Board member is willing to facilitate the loan by delivering and returning to the club the items. Having reviewed the request the Commodore approved the loan under the above conditions.

g) Early Membership Start
A request has been received from a prospective member that they be allowed to pay their dues for next year now and be allowed to use the club this year. This exception to the rules was not considered acceptable to the Directors.

9) New Business
Notice was given that the Directors consider at the next full meeting the purchase a small boat and motor for the maintenance of the channel markers.

10) Adjournment
Moved Paul Proudfoot, Seconded Dave Hyman

The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 pm


Gordon Cale, Secretary