Docks are to be a maximum of
22 feet long and no more
than 36 inches wide. The dock will extend no further than 28 feet from the
adjacent river bank into the river. These dimensions are to be followed for all new docks.
Dock securing posts are to be made of metal. New docks put into the river, which do not adhere to these specifications will
have to be removed by the member. The Ministry of the Environment has approved
these guidelines in our agreement for use of the water lots. If there are any
questions please call your Harbour Master.
We are a private boat club. Members are
responsible for collecting fees and making all arrangements for friends and
relatives using their dock. The charge is $20.00 per day for a maximum of
three days a year per request. The member is responsible for entry, exit
and damages, etc. and for collecting fees and forwarding them to the Treasurer.
- All Docks and hardware need to be removed from the
river by the October Thanksgiving Day weekend each year and stored in the
North side parking lot area, the cement pad on the South side, or taken
back to the owners residence. Docks not removed by this date will be
removed and the owners responsible for any associated fees.
May 27, 2024