Fall General Meeting
Pine River Boat Club
Sept 3, 2006
At the Lurgan Beach Clubhouse of
the Pine River Boat Club
Attendance 15 members
1) Call to order: 10:34
2) Commodore’s Remarks: Paul
welcomed the members. He expressed his thanks to the Directors for their support
over the past two years and spoke to the advances the club had made in the past
two years.
3) Minutes of the Previous
Meeting & Directors : The Minutes of the Spring General meeting were read. The
Minutes of the previous Directors’ meeting were read for information.
G06-005 BIRT the minutes of the
May 21, 2006 meeting be approved as read.
Moved Gordon Cale
Seconded Tim Johnston
4) Treasurer’s Report: The
Treasurer reviewed the receipts and expenditures to date and provided a written
report that is attached.
G06-006 BIRT the Treasurer’s
Report be approved.
Moved Liliane Nolan
Seconded Dave Hyman
5) Officer’s Reports
G06-007 BIRT the reports of the
Officers be received at the call of the Chair.
Moved Gordon Cale
Seconded Renzo Marcone
a) Secretary: The Secretary
reported that the shares for 2005 and 2006 were available from the Secretary for
members present. Those not collected would be mailed. The process for receiving
shares was described.
The recent efforts to establish
a better key control and recover keys from lapsed members was described. Members
will receive their key only from the secretary. Members were also requested not
to open the gate for non members.
The use of e-mail to contact
members for the past year was reported. There have been 4 general e-mails. Three
were meeting or event reminders and one was a caution regarding the channel in
the lake.
b) Vice Commodore: Renzo praised
the work of other Directors, especially the leadership of Paul Proudfoot.
c) Rear Commodore: Dave added
the names of John Nolan and Larry Rice to the list of members that had provided
him valuable assistance.
Six signs have been made and are
waiting to be picked up. They say “No wake, dead slow in river”. Plans are
progressing for new gate signs.
We continue to look for a work
boat for putting in markers.
A recent estimate set a price of
$10000 on possible electrical upgrades on the north side.
Members were reminded that there
are floatation devices in the shed to assist with removing your docks.
A pump experiment took place
d) Fleet Captain: There were two
parties this year but the weather seemed to be against us. It was either too
nice (Civic Holiday) or cold and raining (last night) The parties should be
about at break even when the accounts are settled. Thanks to many hands that
make light work.
e) Harbour Masters: Progress.
Peter Palubiski spoke for the Harbour Masters in asking members who have a
problem with a rock to try to identify its location. Peter and Don Voll provided
advice about use of the river. Members are reminded that it is a club rule that
docks are to out of the river by Thanksgiving. If there is a reason a dock will
be in later they must inform the appropriate Harbour Master. A member raised a
concern with the steel stakes marking dock locations on the North side. These
were seen as a potential danger. The matter was referred to the North Harbour
6) Elections: The Secretary was
asked to run the elections for the Board. The responsibility of the members to
elect Director was described as was the responsibility of the Directors to
appoint the Officers. The list of current directors that had indicated a desire
to stand was read. The Secretary called for additional nominations three times.
There being no further nominations the following motion was put.
G06-008 BIRT the following
members be elected to the Board for a term of September 2006 to September 2007.
Gordon Cale, Richard Heath, Dave
Hyman, Tim Johnston, Renzo Marcone, Liliane Nolan, Peter Palubiski, Paul
Proudfoot, Dan Sevcik, John Wood
Moved Gordon Cale
Seconded Gus Kosi
G06-008 BIRT Paul Buttinger and
Barry Cress be approved to sit as no voting Directors at large.
Moved Gordon Cale
Seconded John Wood
7) Action Items
a) Fees:
The Commodore explained the rationale for returning the fees to the previous
level of $200 for on time payment. The following motion was provided as notice
at the Spring meeting and by e-mail in notice of this meeting.
G06-009 BIRT the on time dues be
raised to $200 and the late pay dues to $250 for renewed membership for the 2007
Moved Paul Proudfoot
Seconded John Wood
Peter Palubiski suggested that
the on time date be moved to the Fall from the Spring or that payment by a date
in the Fall would be at a reduced rate. After some discussion the Chair agreed
to refer the timing of dues payment to the Directors.
8) Concerns of Members
Janet Cress
asked in light of a previous statement that members should not provide their
keys to non members whether she was right to let the Township in to move
material from the beach. It was noted that as our landlord the Township had the
right to enter.
Bill Bowers
raised a concern whether e-mail was being sent “blind”. He was assured that it
was. He then asked how we will recover the keys in the hands of lapsed members.
The steps taken were listed. A general discussion took place with a variety of
suggestions about key control. It was suggested that the keys and gate be
programmable. The issue was referred to the Directors.
9) Adjournment
BIRT the meeting adjourn
Moved Dave Hyman
Seconded Doug Spitzer
The meeting adjourned at 11:42am
Gordon Cale, Secretary Pine
River Boat Club